Saturday, May 17, 2008

MEXICO 2008 - see part 1

We finally made it to Mexico!! I wanted to provide another forum for posting pictures and discussing our study abroad experience for parents, family and friends without having to go to Facebook.

The main photo on this page is unique because in the background is the logo for Real Madrid, which happens to have a very nice training facility at the UDLA - Universidad de las Américas - in Cholula (complete with a plush weight room, locker rooms, cafeteria and a helipad).

I will upload slideshows about once a week containing very select photos for your perusal. Please feel free to comment and discuss our experiences.

The slideshow "Mexico - Part 1" contains photos of our orientation day at the UDLA. The process lasted most of the day and consisted of a great bienvenido from the staff, skits demonstrating what not to do in Mexico, registration and verification for workshops, local excursions, weekend excursions, great food and Ballet Folklórico just to name of few.

Dr. Zane Segle

1 comment:

bathmate said...

Happy new year.
nice link. I like it so much. this link is very useful to every body. very nice posting
